Monday, October 17, 2016

Muse of Poetry

Yesterday Michel read some of "Paradise Lost" Milton. I really enjoyed it. Then he told me that in all Epic poems the writer begins by calling a muse for inspiration. 
I told him that every Sunday he and I should read our favorite thing of the week to each other. I just read Earnest Hemingway's first short story. "Up in Michigan" which he wrote in Paris in 1921. 
It's was like a slap in the face.

 I think it speaks to the truth about how men are different from women in love and life. And that maybe every young woman should have this read to them as a bedtime story. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Kerry James Marshall exhibit at M.C.A

There is a Kerry James Marshall show until September 25th at the Museum of Contemporary Art, it features several of his paintings.
I saw the above painting about 20 years ago at the Museum of Contemporary Art.  I loved it immediately. 
The show features the video below where the artist explains his process.
Now I'm even more of a fan after hearing him talk about his art. This artist should be known by everyone in my opinion, and he lives in Chicago.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Poetry and Short Story Salon

The great salon of 2016.
(Actually pretty small)(Great..I'm just saying, in my opinion)
I hosted a small poetry and short story reading last weekend.
I only invited a small number of poets, writers and poetry fans due to my own nervousness and because of my small house.
My parents were invited and as always, brought their A game.

This blog post is mostly to record the readings for my own posterity or any attendee that could not hear.
We started the salon with a reading of Jack Helbig's play "Mildly Depressed Man". Many of the good natured guests were hired on the spot by my dad to play roles from his good friends peice.

Giamila Fantuzzi read a poem in Italian by Gabriele D'annunzio entitled "The rain in the pinewood" 
She gave us the English translation to read while she read.

My mom told a story about an old friend Irene Keller and then read a few of her poems. Here is one:

Cynthia Gessele shared her writing, Entitled Tory's Dilemma

Jean Sotos read a few of her poems

Grace Quinn read from her blog

Barbara Ballinger read 3 Hopkins poems
The Windhover
and  As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame.

Linda Stolz read a memoir

John Platt read some of his own poems:
Welcome party:

no curses,
no spit
or baby-killer cries;
and no jobs either. .

Mundane tragedy
and war is all.

Kill-zone shadows spreading

to bleak apartments.

Welcome back boys.

BYOB . a quart jar

of Black Beauties :

... war trophy, he laughed.

He cradled it the whole time.

 Nobody knew anybody,

 not really

 not anymore.

 Music too loud --- strange; words
 too empty.  Awkward. all
 split, and scattered early.

John Platt

    Trump Tells

The Hair: Mini-serious candied foxcox comb over
ghost-spray weave of playboy prick past
--- the crown at last!

The Eyes: Squint blue windows
to the sole consumer
of whys and wherefores
weighed in glaring error
scorn-constricted stares
the mirror's mirror. It shows.

The Lips: Smoochie sucky spitting self kissing
repulsed plosive punch line perseverators
pooh-poohing prehensile prevaricators.
Sly smilers.
The Hands: -Index (sometimes middle) fingers touched to thumbs.
Remaining fingers held like curtains beside the face.
(This is NOT the “OK” sign)
but: “Here's a special treat I
offer to a captive pet.
Beg for it.”
- Palms flat forward wrists bent back
arms extended: “STOP !
WALL (facade).”
- Index fingers pointing up
-or at you - hands closed tight: “Wait !
Just Be Quiet (and maybe
I'll give you a treat).”
- thumbs up from closed fists
aimed backward.
( This is also NOT an “OK” sign) ---
but: “ME. ME. ME.
All attention
belongs to Me.”

The Deal: The slogan the sell the slur repeat
invert subvert beat resistance beat
beat competition pound table slam
door bang babe the deal repeat
until submission. Sale.
Then cheat.

The Skin: Thin: a thing
made out of lampshades.
                                                                         John Platt 2016

Linda Platt's blog is here

I read a poem which is more of an explanation of my last several years than anything else.

Rhyme of an ancient Marrier
When I am caught in the snarl of a net
My m.o. is to take on a rescue pet

It all started with my creation, a fish pond
instead of facing my marriage was a flawed bond

the next year brought results of infertile
but wouldn't the pond be better with a turtle

another hard year, anxiety depression, fog
I looked across facebook lines and fell for a dog

The marriage got worse we resorted to all but kickin
 then we agreed, we would like to raise chicken

relationship over, I was in deep muck
first thing I did was babysit a duck

Now I'm banned from every pet shop
but I love critters and I'm not going to stop.

I also read "Envy of Other peoples poems" By Robert Hass



Monday, June 6, 2016

CranioSacral therapy 1

I just took a 4 day intensive class on CranioSacral therapy.  A Doctor of Osteopathy, Upledger, discovered that there is a rhythmic flow of cerebro-spinal fluid between the cranium and sacrum.  The flow can be felt and even manipulated to relieve pain.
This has been something I've wanted to learn for a long time. Some of my teachers at both acupuncture and massage school loved this type of therapy and gave dramatic demo's often leading to a crying student. Crying but feeling better.
The therapy is very very light so the crying was a mystery to me.
The class was taught by a man that, to my great surprise, I had worked with at a clinic in Chicago ten years ago. He used to eat my snacks while I was in a room with a client. I'd come out of the room and find an empty bag.  He lives in Iowa on a transcendental meditation commune where the residents meditate for world peace. They must share snacks.
There were several volunteer teaching assistants. They all introduced themselves and I thought one had an aura. But then I realized that she was standing in front of a wall sconce. 
We had to go around the room and introduce ourselves. I said that my teachers could make people cry with this therapy and I am interested in making people cry.
The thing about CranioSacral therapy that remains a mystery is, It starts with feeling for the flow of an actual biological rhythm, but then you mostly imagine changing it. No one batted an eye at how it switches to energy work. These students were people who wore shirts that said, "We are all Connected" Or "Gratitude" These were the kind of people that when the teacher asked what makes up the body, one immediately yells "Spirit". One student said "I just had a colonic." while the teacher used her head to demonstrate moving the frontal bone. What did that have to do with her frontal bone I'll never know. I felt that maybe I have become too cynical in life. I was vasalating between excitement about these new techniques and major crises of faith in this type of healing.
Also, I should mention that the Chiropractor I work with, Dr. Jill Dortch, loves this type of medicine and she is of sound mind and a great healer of people.
The teacher was really good, he was entertaining, knew the info, and did several demonstrations. Two of which testified to an alleviation of symptoms. I forgave his snack transgressions. But he had a microphone clipped to his head and we would hear crunching noises at times and see that he was hiding in the corner snacking. Once we heard water running and we all realized he was in the bathroom with the microphone on. Luckily he was just washing his hands. One woman broke out crying the moment someone placed their hand on her chest, that seemed suspicious, and reminded me of some kind of church healing.
My biggest problem is how to work on a person using the light pressure that is necessary for some reason. I need to hold my hand up off a person a little to do that. Most of my clients would not stand for even 5 minutes of that kind of light touch. But I am going to practice on Michel, unbeknownst to him. Or anyone interested.
This therapy is supposed to be good for T.M.J. headaches. hearing, sinus problems. There is also evidence that it alleviates the symptoms of Autism and A.D.H.D.
 I now know how to move the bones of the skull by request.
This I received for simply attending

It was hard not see my yard this week. The garden is coming up better than ever.
I had help from an amazing person and artist, Linda Platt, her blog here.
Her latest blog has an incredible film she made on her family's history during the mid 20th century

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Traveling Molly's

I went to a poetry reading last night

I went with Jean, one of my nine or so muses. She is a poet and has had several poems published.
Jean in the foreground and Donna Vorreyer reading in the background

And I read a poem I wrote about my boyfriend Michel

Ode to Michel (my bell)

Michel was a black and white picture. Even taken with color film. Achromatic and anachronistic it turned out he spent most of his life looking into old books and reading older texts. So many that he too was black and white. His hair made up of black or white letters, a language lost today. His eyes periods..

His smile in quotes. His front teeth old tablets. Perhaps of Moses.
His skin Papyrus, only sees the sun when running from one book to another

He told me he was reading
The Aeneid by Publius Virgilius Maro, in Latin.
He told me that in the classic Greek and Roman tales,  such as The Odyssey and the Aeneid, the hero tends to go into the underworld.
I told him to be a hero already, and save me, in Berwyn.

I read it to a whole twenty or so people. And I didn't shake or cry. Yay
I enjoyed the other poetry a lot.