Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day

For Labor day, I thought everyone else in the world was going to awesome bbq's. I asked around and everyone said they are doing "nothing" except an 84 year old party animal , who is going to a bbq.

Michel and I were invited to my parents for some power boozing. Kidding, 2 drink max.  The real reason they invited us was to help them operate their new t.v. The whole time we tried to figure out why the new digital t.v. did not work with the old v.h.s. player, they were yelling some things across the room trying to help as though we were running a dangerous obstacle course.  They are adorable. 

Michel is trying to memorize 100 poems and his latest is "To the virgins to make much of time" By Robert Herrick, a 17th century English poet. The poem starts "Gather ye rosebuds while thee may"
It is essentially saying, gather stuff cuz you're going to die soon, the flowers too.
Aren't I poetic?
I think this is the perfect poem for this time of year.

Gather Ye rosebuds While Ye May, by John William Waterhouse, (1909)

I see squirrels all over the place getting their nuts stashed for winter. As a Quasi or, when it's convenient, Taoist, I observe nature and go with the flow of nature, so I took this day to gather grapes, and vegetables from the yard and make grape jam, radish relish and
soup from the garden vegetables.

(Picture to be put here)
My favorite quote of the week. Heard  on Lake St. and Harlem, Oak Park.
"People are dying, crossing the border to leave Syria, and all these mofos on the Green line are only happy when they have a snickers bar in their mouth"

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