Monday, August 10, 2015

foul balls

Amendment to an earlier thing I said: The reason I have had no or very few pictures of having fun is that I am multi-phobic. I just made that word up. I fear traveling, going fast in cars, being in small spaces, speaking in public. I used to shake visibly when talking to boys. I had a depressive period when even going to the library made me panic, for no logical reason. Taking the El, ever since riding in a smoky car made me panicky, is now a big deal. Last week I took a measly
ten minute ride on the luxurious Metra, and it was the first time I did not panic. It was also the first time I took a train in years.

So I, at forty-four years old, am trying to stretch my wings. Go outside my comfort zone.
Yesterday,  Jeanne Wilson, my best friend, gifted me two tickets to see the Cubs. I took Michel.
He too, by the way, has had bouts with anxiety, and in my opinion has not had enough fun in life. For instance, when I met him, he said he watched TV by looking out the window of his apartment at other people's TVs. I will have to ask permission to put this in print. (Permission granted, he now says.)
So we were gifted great seats to a very exciting game --  Cubs versus San Fransisco. The Cubs won in a very exciting way. Neither of us had been to Cubs game in a long while, Michel since the 70's, I since the 90's.  As someone who doesn't regularly watch sports, I am not qualified to comment on the game. I nervously eyed the scoreboard, complete with pictures of who was up at bat, and I was not sure where the outs were on the board. I kept saying to Michel, "Is that the best picture they could get of the batters?" They all looked startled.

"What do you expect?, He asked"
"Glamour shots" I responded.

Whenever there was a foul ball or pop up, I saw the ball coming and was certain I was about to die. At one point the ball hit the stands and I was surprised they did not have to investigate the after- effect, they went right on with the game.

I took no pictures of this once-in-a-life-time event because I left not one, but two iphones in my unlocked car, allowing anyone to make hundreds.

So I am Gifting you with pictures of my chickens and someone else's ducks having fun.


  1. I didn't know you had a train phobia. Good to know. And I'm glad that you and Michel made it to a Cubs game for the first time in 15+/30+ years! Fortunately with baseball, not much has changed. I can't wait to see what your next adventure holds...more fowl I'm guessing :)

  2. Thanks Amy, Can't wait to see you soon.
