Monday, February 29, 2016

I aquired art from a high school alumni

James and I with his painting above

I awaited James in the “Buzz Cafe”. It had been more than 25 years since I had seen him in person. To say he was a friend in High school would have been an exaggeration, probably. For the most part I saw him through the smoke at parties in the late 80’s where many teenage boys with long hair and “Iron Maiden” shirts converged to “get fucked up”. I was a young woman who would not leave the side of my dream-man Dave. I followed him everywhere. Even when his band practiced, I was sitting there. I should have been studying. When a party was happening, one person would always get on the phone, the 80’s phone, the one in which the receiver is a couple pounds and you need to use a rotary to dial 7 numbers. Someone would call a friend and say, “Dude you gotta get over here.” He would name the people and I was always just “Dave’s girlfriend”.

It used to bother me a little but I was nearly silent at all times, and when I attempted speech, I stammered. The ironic thing is,  I was in track freshman year and the preps told me they did not like that I stammered and I was not let into their group. (That really happened).
But when I stalked Dave and followed him around in his colorful world, the “Stoners”
were more accepting.

So, here I am in present day trying not to revert to Sarah in 89, who isn’t really that different. I am waiting for a man who once helped carry me out of the woods when I had too much cheap vodka, threw up and passed out. He also was loud and fearless and funny as hell. At the graduation ceremony of H.S. there was a loud cheer when my name was called. My parents expressed surprise that someone cheered. I knew it was him and Dave.
So I have him on a bit of a pedestal for being nice to me, but also for being funny. He once asked me to write a paper for him, and that he could pay me with a “six pack and a bucket of chicken”.

So I was waiting in this “buzz” cafe. Perfectly named for our shared past.  There is art all over the walls, two of them were his and I was going to buy one. I love his style, photo realism. I feel that I see a sense of humor in them. He shows up and we discuss our shared past, that was more like two ships passing in the night. He tells me that he and Dave were buddies in “on campus,” a special classroom for kids who caused problems. (I had forgotten)
James says that they were catered to there and he would do things like, if there was a substitute, pretend to be another student and mess with the sub, even taking tests for unsuspecting other students; and when the sub figured it out, he would call the guards and escort him out. I also found it interesting that he said the guard’s names, that he was on a first name basis with the guards.

James has become a great artist and drummer. He toured all over with a famous band, The Blacks.
I felt exactly like George that time he was totally taken with a cool guy

I am so happy I reached out to him. Buying his art means more than having a great new piece. It’s a chance to see someone who was simultaneously cooler and more accepting in H.S. He’s like my dad in that way.

Last thing, I was inspired to collect art by Jean Sotos. She picks art that she has a gut reaction to. I can't afford to get more for a while but I love the stuff I have.


  1. Thanks for sharing your walk down memory lane comes full circle in 2016!

  2. Did you buy that piece in the picture above? I have stared at that one every time I go to The Buzz. I think it was in the back ground of a movie or something, too.

    1. Yes, I got that one. I probably was in the background in some movie. James said his paintings were in the background of many tv shows. ie How I met your mother
